Name: Alex Frasca




old first post:

Hey guys! I'm really excited for this one! When I saw the prompt, I instantly knew I was going to choose Dark. Here are my first attempts at my champion:


illustration sketch:

There are 52 replies with an estimated read time of 3 minutes.

Great artwork so far, I think the concept is very original and the colour palette suts your linework very well. Would love to see how you will develop the character further!

This design is byon awsome it looks so original. You need to write some context for her! Just a few lines, not necesary a background story, mybe just what she does.

Haha, you are welcome! The splash of red from the (new) flower works, I would keep it.

Hey sanguine! I remember you from last year and was wondering if you were going to show up this year.

This is looking great. A nicely original idea. Looking forward to seeing more.

very cool concept so far! Love the name, very dark. I am interested in her story, like if she is similar to the Norse gods or Greek gods in nature and who she is fighting against.

Love the outfit! Great colors, especially on the dress and the headpiece. Big fan of the gold inlay!

mybe a more threatening expression would favor you!