Heres some thumbs of ideas playing around in my head. I really have no direction so I'm just gonna go with the games and style I like. giving myself the challenge of trying to match something close to that. games like metal gear, overwatch, evangelion, guilty gear x... just anime. I ok at drawing females so I'll go with that but I need to get better at mech designs. so I'll do that for this. going with a light character cause I've done too many dark characters. still working out ideas and looking for inspiring references.

hoe to make something badass in the end.

Hey @ williejimenezart, good luck! An advice, you must choose the one category, you have posted 2D or 3D on top tittle.

Douglas Deri

oh thanks I didn't notice that. I'm doing 2D and I just need to figure out this characters story more before I settle on a name for her. thanks for looking out.

heres my mood board. this girl is a game of mechs and first person shooters. I'm drawing her avatar in a fiction game not so much the real her. But I'm sure she's just as cute in real life lol.

I probably won't get this started until after the holidays. but I least I have a concept I like. and will continue to think over in my head. hope you guys like where this is going also.

8 days later

This is all I could get done over the holidays. ideas in my head though. hopefully I will get some of them on paper. I don't wanna fall behind.

good part of concept sketches done. soon I'll start on the final illustration.

12 days later

this is the first real look at what the character I've been working on looks like. Hope you guys like it as I continue. changes will be made to the end. more design sheets coming soon. crits are very welcomed.

This is quickly becoming one of the fav character I've ever done.

headed for surgery soon, hopefully I'll be back in shape to finish this before the deadline. really want to finish this character.

So I realized my character is very similar to a character that exists already
D. va
Well now I have to brain storm and make my character a bit more unique and find a twist. without starting all over. I'll keep you guys posted on how that goes.

So I wanted to change up my design. the back story was very similar to a well known character. So once I changed the story the design changed a bit. just a bit didn't start all over. she's now a mech girl instead of a gamer girl. she will probably keep the controllers on her outfit to control the mech parts. I think the mech arms look interesting on top of the mech she is riding.

Hope you guys can make some of this out. rough under drawing of the final illustration. headed to surgery next week. hopefully all will go well and I can come back and finish this up.

have a good one.

Love your process, I think the idea of both the robot and the female warrior is very original. Great work so far! I see you are adding some feline details to both warrior and robot; perhaps incorporate some catlike details in the mechanics of the robot as well? (like paws or something?)

That is actually a great idea. I'm thinking cat ears on the front side of the fits so well. thank you

That sounds like a great idea! Good luck :wink:

good luck to you too... (only guessing your taking part in the contest. sorry new to the forum and I have issues navigating and seeing your entry. can you send me a link?)

surgery didn't go as planned. and its gonna take longer to heal then expected. still plan on finishing this. not winner or making it the best it can be just getting it done at this point would be enough.

if I don't well this was fun.