Yay, finals:

Hi everyone!
20 days to go, I wonder if I can pull this off ))
My character is an undead medusa that leads an orden seeking for knowledge despite any obstacles including death. Wasn't sure if it's light or dark but I guess necromedusa speaks for itself. Here are some starting sketches:

Hi & welcome!
I like your lighting in general. 2 & 5 have a great epicness potential, especially with this kind of angle. Since you have to show more or less the whole body, maybe you can mix 1 or 2 with the middle one on the bottom row.
As for the costume i would say the simplest with the biggest area of color so that it will neither spoil your lighting nor too much time-consuming to draw.

Okay, bw sketch is ready and I'm currently working on rough colors

The illustration is quite epic, reminds me a lot of Medusa. Is this intention? Keep up the good work :smiley:

Thanks! Do you mean any particular medusa character? Overall yes, as it's said in previous posts, it's necromedusa character and she has skeleton snakes ))

I think this is great concept art! The colours in your illustration are beautiful, I love the Medusa thema and think your composition is great. Good job!

I'm so awed by the colours and I love the concept. Good luck finishing, can't wait to see it.

Sooo now I'm basically gonna render everything. Here are some first sunday evening touches, and what's coming is work on every part of the scene: character details, sky, army behind her. It's so exciting! )

Haha it's gonna be boring I guess — just rendering. Worked on army a little, sky is my typical trouble so a lot of work ahead

Detaaaails! Some more work on the character and the sky, I feel like all the design is set and only rendering is left

10 days later

Woohoo, finals are uploaded to the first post and I'm finalising it ^^