I'd probably fall for her and that's a compliment. Both she and her pet look great, good job mate :)!

Oh, I really like her looks! Tho I believe you could make her design a little bit more creative and dynamic, tho I am still excited for your final image!
(I haven't checked forums for a week+ due to lack of PC) But now Im here, and ready to post feedback, and continue my own work!
Wish you luck m8!
Keep it cool! :sunglasses: :+1:

Thanks for the feedback @eissa @Firathion @alecksandrs! Sorry, for the late reply, not been able to post, having health problems, also not been able to work much! anyway, i'm doing slow but will work on it when i can.

She is the daughter of Satan’s, her purpose, conquer hell!
She is extremely strong, much more than the average demons, the gauntlet, she stole from her father’s treasure room, it gives her the power to summon all kinds of Satan’s weapons, it’s only thanks to her strength she’s able to wield them. She is tempered and intemperate. When very little her father gave her Amon, the pet, somehow she now has multiple ones… the original one, is massive, you will see more of them in the final illustration… the scene will be she’s conquering hell.

The characters, environment and stories are a combination between eastern and western mythology of hell. The same applies to the designs, while it will be my style, also I will also incorporate some aesthetics from anime/cartoon style. I like doing some experimenting, in the end just tring to have some fun while doing it... I hope you enjoy it in the end.

This was wonderful to read, great job again mate. Wish you a quick recovery with whatever is going on aswell :).

I’m almost concluding the illustration, went all out with a color pallete that I never tried before, has I said this an experimente in painting style, design and color, I’m almost done, would appreciate some feedback.

Wow! You're brave to draw so epic illustration with so many characters! I really like a succubus pose and her face expression :+1:

Wow, really elaborate design going on. :smile:
My most important critique would probably relate to the storytelling of the piece. Right now, it's very chaotic. Both in a good and not so good way. We see conflict, but we don't really know what's going on, except that the demon girl is a badass. But who's fighting who? Are some of the demons hers? You can't really tell at the moment. An easy fix and suggestion would be to use color to help differentiate between who's on who's side.
My second suggestion would unfortunately be to lower the contrast and and lighten up the background. This would help you guide the viewers eye and you could focus more on the main subject.
Thirdly; I read that you're experimenting a bit with the colors. The magenta, green and blue are definately pretty cool, but I think you might need to think their interaction through a bit more. There are several Very saturated magenta highlights on the demon girl, but no magenta light sources. I'd suggest making those magentas yellowish instead. OR you push more magenta into the scene. I think you could really make it look even sharper with that. :smile:
Good luck! :smiley:

thank you for your feedback @meonika
@snakebearer thanks for the feedback, to portrait the vision of hell I wanted it to look the most chaotic as possible, from the color pallete, to the view, almost to the excess, it’s hell after all.
If you look to the girl right shoulder, she has one of the little guys, they all have the same look and colors in opposition to all the other demons, not sure there's a need to evidence that even more...
the red light source in her, it's not mangenta, her skin has mangenta tones, it’s the sun of hell (top left corner) i'm making it more visible in the final piece. yellow will not work, this is not earth... it's Hell.

Holly molly ! What are the odds ? :open_mouth:

As I can see, you have already finished... I'm only starting just now. Hahaha, I'm such a slob.
It's always inspiring to see your work and your process. Thank you for sharing this, mate.

Love the colours on this one ! :+1:

Good job and congrats on finishing. I'm not a person for this kind of color scheme, but i really like that there's so much going on in scene.

Ahahah what the hell man! What a cool surprise to see you here also! Now I want to see what cool piece you will make for this one! I’m sure you will pull it off on the last minute :grinning:
thanks man!

Your colors look stunning and engaging at the same time! Good fucking work!

Love this man! I really like it that we're thinking the same way!(we have similar compositions which is great actually.. haha) Love all the tiny events happening at the same time.

This is clearly one of the best entries! Goodluck to us!