Your personal details:

Name: Hannah Waring

For the Light side: Akemi, the Ascendant
With her power to manipulate and create the flow of ink, she summons beasts of the Zodiac to aid her in her fight against the Dark Realm's creatures.

Final Illustration:

Concept Sheet:


Hi All!

I've only just started sketching ideas, however, after a lot of thinking my character shall be going down the path of Light!

These are some quick silhouette ideas:

Exploring my favourite silhouettes:

My next stages are to do some tonal variations and ideas! Exciting stuff =]
I hope to create something interesting for you all!

Great thumbnails so far, top right in the last image is my absolute favourite! Love to see your tonal variations :smile:

Thank you!
That's my favourite also! I can't wait to expand on her outfit. I really want to put a lot of arty reference into her design and 'weaponary'. I really love her movement and attitude. I shall hopefully post my tonal variations soon!

I can't not wait to see them, best of luck to you!

Hehe does she have a paintbrush? That would be a really nice idea :smile:
Looking forward for your design :smiley:.

She does!!! =D I was thinking she could harness the power of ink as her 'weapon' =D
Maybe a warrior of Calligraphy? I wanted to take the Art War literally into my design haha
- Glad you like the idea!

I've done a couple of sheets of tonal ideas!
I really love her brush weapon and I'm loving the idea of her harnessing ink as her power.
Perhaps calligraphy will be her personification? Half-armoured with calligraphy written over the cloth she wears (or parchment?)
I really want to keep the circle's in the design also to show the 'good character' symbolism and link to 'Light' = Sun!

Next will be some more refined work and rough line-work.
(Plus also some face ideas!) =]

These are some colour ideas for my character. I'm looking at traditional Japanese Ink painting for inspiration and colour palette. I've also developed my characters powers and she will summon Ink Japanese Zodiac creatures! I thought this would fit her aesthetic really nicely and gives her brush prop much more context =]

Next I shall look at her back, colour palette some ideas and then develop my final concept!

I started sketching up some thumbnails - with three values only - to think about how I want to portray my character in the Illustration. I used only three tones as I wanted to concentrate on the values of the painting. Something which I have been practising a lot of lately! Hopefully this will really help me achieve a great sense of depth within my painting.

Two main points I really want to project from my character are: Graceful and Mystical. Something I shall keep in mind!

After sketching these down, I circled the ones I like the most in red. I really like these designs as I really love the movement and points on interest in the idea. I want to create a lovely flow of interest and not over-power the characters design too much with her powers.

Next I shall look at the ideas which really draw me in, see what it is which draws my attention, and try finalise an idea!!

So I'm working on both the Illustration thumbnails and the turnaround at the moment for my Character (Still need to pick a name!!! I shall have a good reflect on this over the weekend =] ). The turnaround is still in its very rough stages as I'm just working out a few pieces of the design as I draw. So currently lots of lines everywhere and simple shapes.

-> But hence another moodboard! I want to make sure that the armour she wears fits right and looks 'right'. I want it to be stylish and practical!
I'm also looking into movement and I'm drawing up another moodboard now - I just love reference and inspirational images whilst I work!

On the turnaround Work in Progress screenshot I have a couple of reference images of ladies with white hair - this is because I'm making sure that when I tone my piece, the skin, hair and clothing are distinct and don't get lost in each other!