Name: Guillaume ROBERT
Twitter: @Rgdraw
Instagram: @guillaume_rgdraw

Hello everyone, joining a bit late but here for ART WAR 2!
Last year was fun so let's try again!

I have some ideas for the challenge, i'll post them soon, but to give you a quick idea it's kind of a mix with Dr Manhattan and the angels from Peter Mohrbacher (i hope i spelled it right ) that gives some kind of a goddess of light

So now back to work :smile:

Final edit :
Here's the final concept sheet and illustration for my character : Basteld
She's part of the mythology in my book Tales of the Knights which you can see some artworks here :

Concept sheet


There are 186 replies with an estimated read time of 17 minutes.

Try making sure that you're not logged in on more than one device. I had that same problem and it seemed to go away once I logged off on all devices/computers and then tried to log in. Unless you're also asking about why you have no avatar, in which case - as you can see from my own lack of avatar - I have no clue! :grin:

As for the sketches, they're all nice. I gravitate towards the last one as the pose in the other 3 is pretty non-committal while the cross legs says the most, it's unconventional for a "warrior" and thus feels more fresh. Looking forward to seeing how you develop the glowy halos and such. Good luck with it!

Thanks man! :smile:

About the login part, I've only one computer so it's not the problem, and i even tried to log off and it doesn't work either xD But now i have a new question, does my avatar not show? Because it works fine on my computer

And for the sketches, i like the last one too, trying colors on it atm, showing those test soon :smiley:

Your avatar is showing fine (it's just mine that isn't! :sweat_smile:)
Of these colors, I feel like the only one that isn't working is the first one, as the brown feels really understated and it feels like it echoes the colors in the sky too much and thus doesn't stand out. (The blue skin is nice though. :+1: ) The green and red combo is especially strong. My favorite is the top left because the flowing red cloth reminds me of classical Italian religious paintings so that ends up feeling religious/god-like to me. Also, red skin feels very obvious for a demon-like character so the teal skin gets away from that a bit more.
Good luck with it whichever you choose, and good luck also with the logging in stuff!

Oh ok thanks i thought i had another problem xD (I hope you'll find a solution too )

For the colors, i agree with you, on the first one the brown is not that great but i like the blue. Maybe i can mix with the red, like you said it reminds the classic italians paintings
Thanks for your input man :smile:

Nice to see you here too @rgdraw !
My favourite is the second one.
The colours match pretty good together ^^

Otherwise I'm not really sure about her scepter...but that's just me probably haha
Good luck with everything and I hope you got enough time to finish it !

Actually read the first one as blue and gold, and kind of like it :smiley:

@mr_dessin Thanks! I was going for a trident, Poséïdon style, but it still can change I'm not completely sure about it

@nightblue-art The gold part can be a good idea, i'll think about that thanks man! :smile:

Worked on the design a bit more, because i'm not sure about the composition right now
So I started the model sheet, i went for the blue skin and red fabric, it gives a really cool contrast. Still need to define a lot, i don't know if i let her barefoot or if i give her some cool boots
Anyway feel free to tell me if you like it or not :smile:

Looks like a good color choice! :+1: In general I would lean towards the boots because more surface detail is more interesting... But if you do end up going with the cross-legged position you sketched earlier, that looks more appropriate with bare feet. An active or standing battle shot, though, would look great with boots.

Thank you! :smiley:
Well that's excatly for that reason I don't know if I should add boots or not x)

Maybe I'm totally wrong but with your (stocking?) things on her would be too much.
Anyways...I guess doing your artwork will settle that easily ? (or not)

Don't worry about that, if I add boots I'll remove some of the "things" on her legs, because it wouldn't worked with both of the pieces

I continued to work on the design, I'm going with the "no boots" for her in the end
I think for the design part I'm good i don't see where I can keep adding more stuff, so I'm gonna work on the illustration a bit now
And like always, tell me what do you think of it so far :smile:

It looks really nice so far! I’m wondering how it would look if you copied the border pattern from the botton cloth ribbon and used it on the top one as well. Also, a good note for glowing objects is to think not only about making the object have a glow, but also how that light is going to hit other surfaces; for example, the glowing hair cloud would probably illuminate the top of her shoulders and ribbon as well. Also, changing the black round objects in her right hand to a gold color would help improve the color harmony. I hope that helps! :smile: