This is my entry for the Worlds challenge. I hope to spend as much time as I can on it between other work.
Unfortunately I totally forgot to save my thumbnails that I did for this, but it's not much to show, just extremely rough smudges and notes of ideas.
The idea I came up with is just this sunken ship that has had it's ocean dried up around it, and is now housing farmers looking to take advantage of its sturdy construction.

Here is the 3D layout I did for the scene in Maya. I'm not very good at 3D but enough to make simple shapes so I can play around with the camera and lighting.

And here is my sketch I did from the 3D reference.

Still super rough as you can see but I like the idea and I think it's a good start to flesh out further. I hope to come with more updates soon!

I love this idea! I was actually going to do something similar to this, but I'm glad I didn't, now. I would have immediately lost to your concept, lol. Can't wait to see the progress! Keep it up :wink:

That's a really cool idea! I look forward to see how it turns out. I know this is still a really early wip, but I hope you'll play around with some atmosphere, increasing the value of the ship and the background in general, in order to push the scale of the ship. Great work!

Thanks dude!
Here's another progress shot. Right now it's very right side heavy in the composition, but I hope adding the bridge and play with light there will balance it up.

Really great. I like your color pallete and atmosphere.

21 days later

Thank you.
Here is my final image. I have had barely any time at all to work on it the last couple of weeks due to work but I finished it up last night so I can post it at least. Thanks everyone for your comments in my thread.

Alexander Forssberg


Oh wow! Great idea and lovely execution so far! My only minor gripe with it is the foreground area is somewhat the same all across from right to left, at least color/value wise (well, almost the same). I think it needs something to add some subtle interest there. In any case, very nice piece, good luck mate!

Remember to upload a concept sheet otherwise I think your entry might be disqualified D:
Looks really great btw :smiley:

Yeah dude, check the rules for the post, it would be a shame if you got in trouble because of that

Thanks for the heads up guys!