Thanks so much @swtme Really appreciate you taking the time to drop me a comment and thank you for the kind words, hope to not disappoint
Hey volenck
It looks good, your last one. I also like your color balance here.
However, i guess you need to explore it more, in particular your main city (the blue part on your main ground). For now, it seems ( i am sorry ) just like a silhouette of a big futuristic/ sci fi city with some decals over there. Need to be improved, given more details to make it as a part of city
Keep it up man, and finally i have never thought to hurt you with my words above... thank you
@hebronppg - thanks so much man, of course no offence - you're helping me Thanks so much for the feedback, would really appreciate it if you could stop by again in a few days and let me know what you would change about the final. Thanks again man
Updated again today... Almost done. Only the tiny, small details left that make everything awesome or ruin your image completely... I'm normally in the second camp unfortunately
Aaand final v.001 posted Time to step back now for a little while and decide whether I've gone overboard. I don't think I can improve this much further though at my current skill level, so I find I'm not making much meaningful changes any more while working on it.
Would appreciate any feedback you guys may have Thank you!
Hello @volenck. First of all I really like your vision . This image tells some story! As for improvements - there's no need to close the door when there is still 33 days on the clock. The main reason of the Challenge (as I see it) is to improve skills, so you can play with this in the most of craziest ways and if you go too far - you can always go back (I assume that you keep some key versions on your backup folder
Now - you asked for feedback so... I would separate a bit more from the background those two teepees closer to the center by darkening some edges and protruding sticks on top of them. You know - the tree and teepee on the right stands out clearly from the background. If you could do the same with remaining two teepees, it would supply sense of depth. Another thing you cuold do to supply sense of depth is to add a few layers of buildings in the area behind the characters and the tree. Right now it feels like there is vertical wall with some lights on it. Adding two, three or four layers of silhouettes of buildings and making them slightly (to not take too much attention from characters) darker (the closer they are to camera) should bring more depth to your image. Another thing - it's just the idea but maybe it would be worth to play a bit with some greenish aurora on the top right? Not too much and not too green to not overload the image. I think it could give some nice color variations on the sky.
Uhhh... I can't believe that I wrote all this. I hope I didn't go too far with my happy writing and at least some of this make any sense. If not - just ignore it all . Anyway - good luck and keep up the good work!
Hey @jonatan-moonchild, thanks so much man, those are some really solid points. I really did notice that I hadn't done the entire sticks on some of the teepees - those could definitely use some better shapes on the background ones, thanks so much for pointing that out.
I'll test out some more layers of buildings. I keep struggling with the idea of what's too much and what's too little. I try and keep things simple, because I normally tend to over-complicate everything and over- texture - I'm really not sure when it's just right or enough So I'll test out some extra layers, but I may decide to keep it as a wall - have that part of the city be simpler and have the layering happen where the character is pointing.
The aurora is also a great idea, I'll think about it, though with the green of the radiation already there I'm not sure if I can put more green lights in the sky, as it might read either as more radiation or the radiation might read as more of the aurora.. Like I said - I tend to overthink things
The entire sky might need replacing, I think it may have too much of a brushy texture going on, not sure it matches well with the rest of the image.
Thanks so much for the feedback, really great ideas and will definitely implement.
As for finishing, I might just call it done and have a look at it again in 2-3 weeks before calling it final - final. I just know I tend to reach a certain place with a piece where almost nothing I'm doing is moving me forward, so in terms of getting better - I think it benefits me more to start a new piece and attempt to execute it better with the lessons from the previous one.
Thanks very much Jonatan!
Woahhh nice progress man, good job.. Now your city seems clearer and close to a ruined city. Better than the last 2 / 3 days ago.
I really liked your way when you tried to add some kind of fog (maybe) to separate between the main ground and the background. Now it looks like having a sense of depth. However, in my opinion, your foreground seems not match with your main ground. Perhaps, add some low saturate blue color in your Indian house, and some area around there will make your foreground and main ground become a unity.
If I were you, I would be darkening the foreground area, in particular around right bushes and the area around your left rock. Your value between main ground and foreground are looked no difference. So, darkening the foreground area, would make a great differentiation between them. The left tree isn't looked match with your overall image. Maybe, removing or breaking it off as a fallen tree, and moving it behinds your left rock will be a good solution.
Your characters scale don't match between the left side and right side. The person who ride a horse and the one who sit above a ruined car are looked too small.
Finally, everything that I have read above not 100% sure, just a recommendation. I have just written and summed up it all from my learning processes, sometimes it matches, and the other times don't match. Yeah,,, it needs trying and error, doesn't it?
@hebronppg - dude, this is golden. Thank you so much! I don't know why it is, but until it gets pointed out I really can't see it... You're 100% right. I'm saving your comment and will be going over the piece again with it open, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to write this. Will post the next version with these addressed. Thanks again man
@mishma - thanks very much man, really appreciate the kind words
16 days later
Hey guys Almost time to finish, so came back to the image after not looking at it for about 2 weeks, made some small changes to the story, did some work based on the amazing feedback I got from @hebronppg & @jonatan-moonchild and we're moving to a final next week
Title post updated again with a WIP & process.
Hope you've been great!
Hello volenck. It seems better now. Your depth sense seems good, and the color balance also better. However, perhaps just only my eyes, your hero and his son seem too big. Their size look likes a group of giant. I meant, the scale among your hero, his son and the other people near the village seemed unmatched.
And the last, If I were you, I would also darken your foreground. Currently the value between your foreground and main ground seem similar.
But yeah, i think you have to recheck in BW version.
Thank you.
PS: I am looking forward to seeing your final result
Dude... Once again you're absolutely right... I wish I'd seen this earlier
I was just about to post my final. Originally I had the foreground planned as in front of the village - but I've really not separated the planes and have merged the whole environment, the figures were insanely large... Thanks so much man
Wish I could have you as my on-going critiquer for every piece
No problem man... Nobody perfect doesn't it? Sometimes I did the same mistake. Wrong scale, too much light, too dark, too bright, miss perspective, etc etc... hhaha.
So in my opinion, trying to grow in a challenge like this, and let others to give their opinions or maybe let them to see what we didn't see before, it would make us grow..
Thanks very much guys it's been absolutely awesome working with all of you
@jonatan-moonchild - Thanks very much man really appreciate the awesome comment - thank you for the crits and the help!
@hebronppg - thanks again for all the help man, really learned a lot from your crits. Can't believe I didn't see these things, I'm definitely more aware of some of the mistakes I make because of you - thank you!
@davidaguero - Thanks so much, really appreciate it
I agree with others here, you've got a really nice process and a incredibly nice final piece! I think you nailed the mood there! The story is interesting as well. ^^
Also I think the colors are well balanced but in the same time I feel there are too much haze and atmospheric perspective added to the piece it's something that I personally thing you can improve on with a bit more of a careful adjustment. Overall it looks nice, it's well constructed, the process is pretty solid. I like that you don't tie yourself to the original idea too much which I think is helpful since you'd explore for a better one. Nice work and very well done! Keep it up and good luck!
Thanks so much @flamer really appreciate the kind words and the crit - I was trying to be a bit theatrical with the atmosphere, I really need to learn to fine tune things, thanks so much for the honest feedback - best of luck to you too
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