Hi there! I'm a new student from a couple of weeks, my name is Francesca and i'm from Italy. I've studied Illustration in Rome, but i would love to bicome a Concept Artist for videogame. These are some of my practice drawings of term 1. i hope to recive some feedback

Hy Francesca, welcome to the forums!

Really great work on those assignments! I do have a piece of feedback, mostly regarding the representation of the rib cage and pelvis, and also some landmarks to keep in mind, i did a little note to indicate my thoughts,

And while doing those assignments i usually drop the opacity of the reference just a tad so you can see your lines better.

Welcome to the forums! seems like you're on the right track here.

hi there, here is some today practice and 1# character study :smile:

Arhi is amazing ! I thought you traced it at first.

oh ty 😁 i have had some problems doing her legs, the position is so strange for me... and i totaly hate her shoes!!

2# character study, that was really challenging, but i've won! :grin: now, time for rest, and go for the 3# fight! :muscle:

1 month later

I forgot to post here for a while ,but I continued my journey moving on to term2, so there are 4 of my portrait studies, I had a bit of trouble with the male character... Now time to gesture drawing and some volumes study.

2 months later

hi there, here is some of my term 3 practice

this is my first try tracing the muscles... i'm not sure if they are correct in particoular the dorsals for me are a little tricky to draw