This is really pretty, I love the colors of this piece! The eyes and hair are especially good.

As for improvements, I think the piece could use brighter highlights, as well, there were a few anatomy problems I spotted. First off, her lips and chin should come out a little more. Secondly, her arm seemed a little wonky. I posed a 3D model and painted over her face to help give you a better idea of what I think is wrong.

I know I didn't pose the model exactly like in your painting and I didn't do a whole lot when it comes to repainting, but hopefully this can at least give you an idea of what to improve on. If you have any questions regarding the changes/I didn't make something clear, feel free to ask!

You're getting closer, but there's still some things that need to be corrected. Portraits are hard, and this pose is difficult as well, so don't get too discouraged, you're still doing great!

1) You brought the arm in too far. The upper arm should be angled so that a triangular gap is created between the arm bend and her eye. I also think you're making the upper arm + shoulder too short, the elbow should be a little above the eyebrow.

2) Although the chin looks a lot better, you ended up moving the jawline up too far. The ear needs to moved back and I think the neck needs to be shortened as well. I moved the collarbone to the right place as well. (It "dips in" at the center of the body.)

3) I angled the breasts out a bit further, and moved her other arm out a bit.

You're welcome, I'm happy to help! :smile: It looks a lot better! I think 3 and 4 are the best.

3 is very close to what it should be, actually.

If you move the armpit a little closer to her neck area, it won't look as thick. Also, you need to angle the arm so that it doesn't look extremely long. It's a hard balance to strike, but not making the upper arm long enough ends up making the forearm too long. If you do these things, I think the anatomy should be perfect/near perfect!

You're welcome! I'm so happy to see I could help you, I love the final image and the process .gif is definitely cool, too! :smile:

As for my work, I'm working on a big piece now, I'll definitely post it when I finish! ^^

6 months later

Nothing wrong with composition or the look but sorry to say colours need a lot of work to show the 3d effect of the body on a 2d plane. It just looks unfinished, keep working on it and dont be afraid of moving things around or trying diff colours as you are using a computer and you can always go back. just keep goig till it works and you will have gained loads of experience for future works