And here a project that I've just finished!
It's a game read character with hand-painted textures. I based it on Humberto Ramos's drawings for X-Men issue #194.
Artstation Project:
And here a project that I've just finished!
It's a game read character with hand-painted textures. I based it on Humberto Ramos's drawings for X-Men issue #194.
Artstation Project:
I come back to this project last week (which I already had made a base of the head a month ago). In the beginning, the idea was to follow an Arwen's drawing (Lord of the Rings) as concept art, but in the end, I decided to do something on my own. I'm also pushing it to be more on Blizzard / Overwatch style.
What I'm doing now is refining the hair and making some tweaks to it be more on the Overwatch way.
And last, I'll finish just the bust, so I'm going to cut the bottom part when I have finalized the high poly.
Have a good quarantine!
One more week of work!
I'm planning to finalize the high poly until the end of this week, so then I can start doing the low poly and the bakes.
These small tweaks consume a lot of time. In the beginning, I thought that this project would be faster, but I'm liking so much to do it that I'm improving my original idea, redoing some parts to make it better, and adding new elements.
Have a good week everyone!
8 days later
I've spent this week baking a better normal map and finding the best color palette for this character. For that, I'm using gradient maps on Photoshop like Marc Brunett shows in his courses.
I think now I've decided it, so in the last image, I've started to improve the albedo map on 3DCoat before sending it to Substance Painter.
I hope to have enough free time this week, so I can finalize this project!
I've started a new project. This time I'm doing a Blizzard fanart.
My two main references for this dwarf are Muradin (Heroes of the Storm) and Torbjorn (Overwatch).
The first hours of every project are always the most painful. It looks like I don't know how to do it anymore
Hopefully, I believe that now I'm getting in the correct direction.
Critiques are welcome!
Thanks @MattD, it means a lot!
One more update on my current personal project. A mainly worked on the fur during last week. This time I want to resolve most of the character on the sculpt stage.
Thanks everyone for visiting my topic
Thanks a lot cedricgo and tj-works!
Thanks for your comment, you are right, I need to work more on the fur.
This time I had a busy week, so I couldn't work very much on my dwarf. Besides that, I started a course with Igor Catto, so I'll need to divide my spare time between projects (that I'm also going to post here).
Have a good week!
8 days later
Hey everyone, I'm here again!
This week probably I have finished the highpoly of my dwarf. Now I just need to do everything else
I've also started thinking about his hummer.
And here are some sketches for a collectible. They are Illaoi and Ezreal (League of Legends), but I'm going to do with a different skin theme and design.
Have a nice week!
8 days later
I've almost forgotten to do my weekly post. Here is my progress on my two current projects.
I finalized his hammer's low poly and now I'm working on his body's retopology.
I've decided which composition I'm going to do, so now I defining the character's overall proportions and design.
Every suggestion is welcome. Have a good week!