24 days later

While everyone is busy with the Art War, I've renewed my daily anatomy practice, starting with arms.

4 months later

Hey, everyone and especially to those of you who may have noticed my absence. Some decent news: 2 months ago I've got my first gamedev full time job, making stuff (models, anims etc.) for mobile games. Not that impressive, but as a first entry into the industry, it's quite exciting for me. Hence, I was quite busy for some time.
I'm planning to go back to regular practice and posting some stuff, hopefully, daily. Also, I've decided to spice things up and practice rendering in Keyshot as well. The idea is the following:
I'm practicing smth anatomical (for example sculpting hands) and I try to make a simple render, using the asset i've made. Here my first serious practice after some time - a hand :3 I'll post the rendered version in the next post.

In the meantime, have a great day, ladies and gents :3

A simple render using the sculpted hand. The skeleton was pre made, using Poser, so no credit to me :smiley:

Another hand practice piece. Next week I'll switch over to skulls

9 days later

Progress on my skull studies. I'm doing drafts for now, wanna nail the understanding of main shapes first :x

16 days later

Finally felt comfortable enough to try and render smth. :3

Hey, nah, I've been messing around with Arnold and actually fell in love with it, so I'm focusing more on rendering there :3

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