You're right, the term design is vague when I put it like that. Which initially is what I learned from the internet (studied IT from school, not what I expected it to be after nearly finishing it, since you can learn almost 95% of it from the interwebs now)
But definitely as in having time. It's funny how I gather all these wisdom from other peoples, like Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Cal Newport, Robert Greene etc. and when I face the situation they referred to, its like your mind do a 360 turn, instead of been okay where you're at and let yourself test the waters.
I guess the main frustration would be is the whole money subject that can make you feel like sad maybe, for not been able to contribute to your family (in this case parents), but I shouldn't let that get the best of me. Because I know the current economy issue, and all I have to think about right now while using that patient threshold is improving my ability and experiment with crafts as you said.
I am not too sure if it's choosing what to do the rest of my life is what I am going through, rather its more related to means of making pennies.
After all, when you're at home and not been able to earn anything, definitely starts taking its toll on your mind, especially when you see your household situation ( not been able to contribute in the house (parents house ) ) etc.
But yeah, mentioned to ESL as well, its a matter of in my case been patient with it and let the flow of life go on its own, while still remaining vigilant of opportunities, things I can apply etc.
Because I do know about like different seasons for different interests (cultivating passions) for however long it last etc. but its like even if you have all those knowledge you gathered throughout the years from different sources, when you face the situation, your mind takes a 360 u turn, ha.
But overall, I will just have to remain patience, and cultivate the seasons, and if there are means for me to be able to make income and help, then can do that, for now will just have to focus on improving/practicing/experimenting and see what happens.
Thank you for sharing your own insights @JesterSeraph @ESL , really appreciate the time you guys took to respond to this whole ramble thought that I put up there.
Thank you