2 months later

Hello, your piece is great there is lots of details in it that are really cool ( the little lizard for example) ! The main thing that could be improve is the character anatomy on the breast area. The chest seems to be very low so it looks like it's hanging and the blob kind of looks out of place because of that. You could give her a more dynamic pose by reajusting the breast and maybe put her left hand on the head of the blob to integrate it more to your piece. Otherwise I really like her sassy/mysterious look and the witches in the back !

Thank you, YESS one of my biggest enemy is anatomy. LOL

Hey, this looks awesome, design of the Hat is superb! Here is also my feedback:
things I would test: yes anatomy need improve, sillhoutte (maybe some fog/atmosphere behind), value check(this blue ball is distracting). Goodluck, it promises to be fantastic!

10 days later

wow thanks for the overpaint, this is exactly the feels that I want.