Im in the middle of creating a room with perspective but I keep finding myself getting stuck with how long the room is. I keep the two floors at least 8’ high but idk how to keep track of how long the room is :sweat: can someone give me a tip… :cry:

Probably shoulda introduced myself… hi! My name name is Isaiah Leos. I’m 19 years old and I’ve been drawing pretty much as long as I can remember. I was never consistent with drawing regularly but now that I need to be thinking about my future I’ve finally decided to do something with art In the long term. I’m excited to get better and make something badass/beautiful with my own hands :relaxed:

First project finished! I still couldn’t figure out the length of the room and was pretty much guessing. However I think it turned out really well. This was actually a lot of fun. There is just something about creating your own room that is so immersive lol.

nice job welcome aboard!


Welcome to the forums, sorry but i can't help with the length thing, i don't know it myself XD i usually go with my gut on these, but this one did turn out pretty good, congrats!

Well, as for the depth of the image and how long it may be... First off, perspective is definitely not my strong point and I'm a noob. Second, in general, it doesn't have to be exact in art, just needs to work/be convincing (which it is, I find this drawing quite pleasing!)

Now, to be more exact, in perspective, things get a little distorted and what you are left with is relative proportions so there is no one universal measure but rather scales

One easier way to do it is to have a scale beforehand, for example making a rectangle on the floor and subdividing it using rectangles and diagonals. The other way around is making rectangular grids where you start with one rectangle, measuring some known variable (wall height, an object etc) and multiplying it in perspective to measure out the distance

hope this helps


oh wow this helps a lot! i really appreciate this. imma give the one vanishing point another shot and try this out. i get it that it just needs to be convincing, but since im at this learning stage i would like to know and get a good understanding of all the rules before i can break them yk.

I didn’t spend nearly enough time as much as the last one but I was playing around w the deepness of the room. I’m going to give this 1 vanishing point a third shot before I head into a 2 point.

You are really good at this perspective business :smiley:

Keep it up!

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