You're improving a lot, great job! How long have you been drawing, and how many hours do you spend drawing a day, if I may ask?

gesture to skelliton study 5 min

Thank you @melancholiann .
Thank you @giang.sofl.k58 , I have been decent at drawing from when i was a kid but never took it seriously, I only started taking it seriously and studiying art about a year ago (on and off). I have been drawing almost everyday from Feb 2023 (after i quit my job and having a panic atack about my career). I try to draw from the time i wake up and till i go to sleep, it took me a long time to get to this schedule. There are days where i dont draw at all (not because i choose to but because of burning out). Please take your time to figure out your own routine through trial and error.

Having a blast studiying anatomy

1 month later

whoohooo...burnt out for an epic 1 whole month of feeling like shit . got back into drawing gestures yesterday...still havent figured out on how to stay consistent and have fun while drawing...hopefully i figure it out soon...anyway just happy i got back into drawing.

Nice going mate, keep at it
