Thank you @mitsuki-youko! It really does look like a strawberry and ice cream! Lmao

I took a few days off of art(Played a lot of mahjong Sould :3) but now I'm back! Decided to work on one of the important characters for my world-building project and got carried away with rendering... Definitely not sure if this is going to be her final design but yeah! Don't have a name for her yet but her title's prolly gonna be the Crimson Bunny.


Finished work:

I kind of like the little disproportion between the humans and the steps. It tells a story, that the believers have to strain and sweat to enter the interior of the sanctuary.

That's a good way to look at it @Norma! Thank you^^ I've yet to finalize a lot of things but yes, will definitely consider it. ^^

Decided to work on a lil piece of illustration of the character I worked on yesterday. Been a while since I've done an illustration like this but I had a lot of fun!^^

She is looking intensely with her blue eyes.
May I make a suggestion? Such a small top would immediately slip down in a fight. Even if the seam of the shirt were glued to the skin (female Hollywood stars do this with the revealing dresses on Oscar night), sweat would loosen the glue. Maybe she started out wearing a tank top and one strap ripped or was cut through the fight. If you drew it like this, reality would be more involved and you would still have a tightly dressed dangerous beauty showing a lot of skin. :smirk:

Edit: Or is it this thin material out of Kautschuk? (Sorry, I don't know the word in english and the google translator is no help for this kind of words.) This kind of clothing, that you need powder to squeeze into may not slip when fighting. :laughing:

Thank you @mitsuki-youko! ^^

Hey @Norma! Feel free to give critique/advice anytime! ^^ Yeah. I wasn't really that happy with her top at all. It was my last resort since I tried something for her actual clothes and failed. lol But yeah! Thank you^^

Here's an updated version! Had quite a hard time finding a good balance in making her magma clothes thing look connected to the body due to the difference in contrast but yeah! Not really quite happy with it but it was a really fun experiment.

Much better! Magma cloth - I love it! I personally have no more critique. But I hear a little Marc in my head, complaining, that the bright orange distracts too much from the focus of the image (which would be the head). I see him color picking the orange, reduce the brightness and brush over the flames.
(Yes, I saw too much of his livestreams :joy_cat:)
Maybe brighten some hair strands?

Spot on critique again @Norma! Hahaha. Even I wasn't particularly happy with it so here's probably going to be my final rendition of this piece!

YES! Wonderful result! And it is a good decision, declaring an image finished at the right time. There are so many pictures that want to be painted and so many stories to tell. They are waiting for the artists to be realized.

Here are some more of Rosee! This time I tried mixing photo bashing and painting! Had a lot of fun w/ this one as well and realized the power and amount of time you can save by using it. A really powerful tool.

The aftermath.

God your art is so beautiful!! Nice materials and color harmonies!

Thank you @Pauline_art! Not really sure if I want to take any credit in terms of having good material harmony since I used Photobash and only alter some things here and there but yeah, thanks!^^

Another illustration wip piece. My lack of back anatomy knowledge is biting me quite hard for this one. Kind of starting to get somewhat frustrated with the way things are turning out but I think that this piece is a really good eye-opener for me in terms of things I need to practice more before working on a piece like this.

Not entirely sure how to feel about the colour but this one's a good practice.

GREAT job on this!! the skin looks so realistic!

only thing i noticed that was "a little off" is that the hand closer to the skin blends in to the thights and the hair covers the palms which makes it look elongated.. perhaps try separating the values a bit more ie have some reflecting light at the edges of the hand + a slight reflection of the water as well as moving the hair a bit to the left or right so that it does not line up exactly with the hand in a tangent would make it look even better!

May I suggest to work on the right hand? Why is it so straight as if drawn with a ruler? When I bend my own hand into this position, it's more rounded with the middle finger bone at the top.