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Here's the first assignments that I forgot to do, I got carried away with the nude figure drawing class, I'm still halfway through that lesson, everything is sO CHAOTIC.

I tried my best to replicate stuff with CSP, but it's so weird I couldn't get some colors to blend properly in the Mei image.

I also made the tracing thing harder on myself for no reason by using a small brush. :blush:

I worked on actual gesture drawings for the first time today, these are some 30s ones, I've always wanted to do gesture drawings although I don't think I am that great at it.

Tried a different way to do gesture drawings more, idk which one I like more, I feel like yesterday's was better.

I also redid some of them that I didn't like.

I went ahead and messed around with painting while marc explained it in the background, I really cant sit still without doing something. I messed around with a random blob and decided to fully shade it and add bounce light for no reason, This is my first time actually painting something, I've always wanted to try it.

I finished Perspective 1, I feel like I understood it well, CSP also has a perspective ruler that helps so I might breeze through the perspective assignments when I actually decide to do them.

Just some quick scribbles at the beginning of the anatomy lesson to see if I can pull off the 3 skills, I feel like I have a grasp at this.

I got bored and I wanted to work on more dynamic poses so I randomly scribbled something.

I also drew some ears as Marc explained them, they're pretty nice and easy to draw!

I wanted to try that thing were people paint like a general idea of a landscape and i wanted to include some perspective so I made this.

I need to work on gesture drawings again.. anyways, the new lady gaga music video and I really loved the medic's outfit so I drew her! I also wanted to go for a heavily stylized drawing, so I tried messing around with some proportions like the eyes and such!

Here she is so far, I think I want to finish her before actually going back to doing work! I really love how detailed she is, I forgot the elipse tool was a thing so I spent 5 hours drawing circles and I actually felt like crying.

This might be me jumping the gun, I'm still on the face anatomy but I wanted to study muscles so I'm just dropping this here, I still didn't see Anatomy 2 but I guess I got excited.

The big one with legs is the one without references.

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