@patrycja.lerch Thanks for the welcome!

@daceronine Thanks, I have bounced of some traditional art training in the past so hopefully it'll all help me to advance quickly

@bigpicturekid Thanks I'm glad you like my work!

@mitsuki-youko Thanks I appreciate the encouragement. That drawing turn out better then I thought it might, been a while since I drew properly.

Thanks @leeireo I'll be happy to improve alongside you also.

Ok here are The results of Week 1 Assignments. I have been following along in Krita and so far it seems to have most of the important Photoshop tools down except for maybe some of the more advanced healing brushes.

Hardest part is getting the colours right on the last. it's still slightly off especially noticeable in the sky.

It's interesting how I can look back at these exercices and now recognize some of the values used, especially on the Mei pic which was a big challenge back then. Overall the whole point is to get you to know the options exist and to play around with them to see the impact it has on the drawing. Seems you're getting the hang of it!

Alright week 2 assignments:

I decided to finish up with the "Photoshop" exercises that I am doing in Krita

Here are the source images I used:

And the end product:

The bridge that I sourced from the blue lighthouse image didn't quite fit but I wanted to push myself a bit especially since two of the castle images are of the same castle just different angles and time of day. I also didn't want to spend too much time on it seem I think this exercise is just to get used to the tools.

Next up was the age exercise, to save time here I just used the supplied images.

happy enough with this exercise again didn't spend tooooo much time on it. One of these days Kiefer Sutherland is going to stumble onto all these aged up photos of him online and wonder why people are trying to make him look older :smile:

Next up are the many apples assignment:

This one was not too difficult, could have spent more time on it to get a bit better result but layers in Krita seems pretty much the same as Photoshop. The burn and dodge brushes are handled like any other brush and work slightly different to Photoshops and might take a little bit more practice to get use too.

And lastly for the face morph, again I used the provided images. Here I had some trouble with Krita and it's liquify brush. sometimes it would go wrong and make sort of tears in it and was just less reliable then I would like. Could be an issue with my setup that I'll have to look into later.

Now on to the drawing assignments.
just the line of action

A page of cylinders

And finally skeletons
I experimented a little between the suggested box or circle versions here

So far so good! That's a cool castle, merged really well into the island.