Good Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening all!
My name's Jason, a totally normal person living in the middle of nowhere. I've always liked drawing as a hobby of sorts and with all the free time available recently I decided to make a serious attempt to actually get good at making art.
My hope is to finally be able to look at something I made without internally screaming. And externally screaming.
With that out of the way I'll be posting progress of my journey here, starting with the photoshop for digital production section.
Pen Control, or lack thereof:
Using a screenless tablet probably makes this more of a challenge, either that or its just my lack of hand-eye coordination.
Image Adjustments:
This one was interesting, I feel like I got pretty close with most of these. The last one was quite a challenge though and something feels a bit off with my adjustments.
Combining Images:
I probably shouldve been a bit more creative with this one. I added a few things like a big ol' spire and a landmass in the background.
As for the final assignment, it might be a bit before I can come up with a solution for that since I'm using Krita as opposed to photoshop.
Feb 21, '21
last reply
Mar 4, '21