Hi. I've been drawing for some years, little bit on and off. Been through hectic times without economic security to really be able to dig into digital art But now I do, so have started out for full now. My main goal is to get my drawings to be able to tell a story. May start animating again after awhile too as I studied it for a year in Canada.
Second goal is to be able to live by it. I am a worker at heart, and can work for hours without end. But After 29 years I have noticed that the social jobs I usually end up getting does not fit an highly introverted person like me x)
Here's my journey:
It first started back in December 2018 so thought I'll share the first half year progress:
After that year I had to move back home, but spent some time just drawing anatomy over and over again between sending job applications:
Don't ask how many times I've drawn them I have no idea.
But no, onto the Journey: Have done the tasks from term 1, except Perspective. Focused a lot on Gesture drawings:
Image adjustments, was not able to get the last picture correct. Any tips I either had too much red or broken colors.
I went to the next class after awhile of failing hehe. So for 13 days I've been doing gestures. Here's a quick overview.
I wanted to experiment with it so started working on a project. This is how far I've got with the art class for now:
Date 12.16.2020
Little bit of improvement
Nov 22, '20
last reply
Jul 6, '22