Hey ya'll!
Weekly Check-in Time!
Term 1 Week 3.5
Overall, it was a very busy week and I was not able to complete everything I had hoped. The goal was to finish up the material from Marc's free year-long drawing recommendations for April and May, finish the 5 character art studies, paint on a personal project, and maintain daily pen control and gestures. I was able to keep the daily stuff in place for the most part, complete one character study and do rough layouts of the others, get the general layout down for the personal project, finish my head sculpture, do some color studies, study the foot & lower body, and do a decent set of 2min gestures. For the most part, I used pencil and paper to do most of the work, only using my graphics tablet on occasion - mostly to make sure I wasn't going to suffering from neglecting it.
And now, the photo dump. And man, now that I see it all like this… It was a lot. LOL.

Five Character Lineart Studies - Only completed one, but sketched in some of the others.

And lastly, one of the blocked in designs I was trying out for my personal project.

So yes, it was a full week and fairly productive, so I deserved to take a bit of a break on Saturday and Sunday. However, even with taking a week to catch-up, it was just way too much trying to juggle the two learning programs at the same time as I attempted to make some personal artwork. So I am going to put the free program on the back burner and focus on the Art School curriculum, and perhaps get some work in on the personal projects as time permits. Bottom line is that I've got to let go of the 2024 plans I made before receiving Art School for Christmas. Besides, I doubt that the free program covers the same stuff and probably not at the same depth. So I'll pick up with Week 4 now.
Another factor that got thrown into the mix on Friday was the arrival of my new Huion Kamvas Pro 16 (FHD) and the acquisition of Corel Painter 2023 through Humble Bundle. I decided against the XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 Gen 2 due to hobby budget issues, as I also need to upgrade my GPU sometime soon. I think if I ever start making money from my art I will probably need to re-evaluate the display anyway. I like the Kamvas well enough, but there were some challenges that I've already noticed. Most are technical blockers that are too boring to mention here and honestly almost feel like distractions and excuses - which I find annoying. So I may not try to resolve those issues as long as I can still use everything reliably. However, Krita does not like my current setup and becomes unresponsive with brush strokes so I'm working on re-learning Painter (which I haven't really used since Painter 11) and trying to find the tools to match what I have been using in Krita. So that complication has been a little frustrating, as I'd like to keep using Krita because it is on my Android tablet so there would be a sense of platform stability. So there's some adjustment there…
Also, I want to mention that I find analog drawing to be way more satisfying and significantly less frustrating than drawing with either graphics tablet, android tablet, or pen display. It may just be because that's how I learned to draw in the first place or it could be that it has higher resolution, more intuitive interface, and amazing haptic/auditory feedback. So while I am definitely going to use my new device, I have a feeling that I'm still going to have a preference to pencil and ink using traditional media.
Man, what a week...