We are looking for dedicated moderators to join our team!
Cubebrush is growing fast and that means we’ll be needing active and dedicated members to ensure that the forum stays clean and all posts meet forum guidelines!
Moderators are active members and help the community by answering questions and moving posts to the right categories.
If you’re interested in joining our awesome team, please review the requirements below.
° You’re at least 18 years old
° You are an active member and plan to stay active
° Have the ability to work well within a team
° Sense of humour & have fun in helping people!
Essential information when applying:
° Please provide us with a short presentation about yourself(name, age, country, hobby, motivation, etc)
° Your experience as a moderator, if you have any.
° Your Cubebrush username
° Moderating the forum is not a paid or a full-time job!
° Before applying, please make sure you plan to stay active and are dedicated.
° Moderators are welcome to participate in contests(e.g. Art War) on Cubebrush but aren’t eligible to win.
Feel free to e-mail your application to hilal@cubebrush.com !