Hey Everyone! My name is Cedric but y'all can call me Juice. I'm 33 y.o. pianist from America. I tour full time around the globe and teach when i'm back home. I used to draw manga characters back when I was in middle school. I would redraw characters form Dragon Ball Z and color with colored pencils. Sadly i do not have any of this artwork from my younger years because the trash can is undefeated with my artwork lol. I'm jumping back into the arts once again because I want to draw and make my own comic with the hopes of animating these comics. My only training really comes from middle school art class so I know there is much to learn both from Marc and from you guys. I'm open to criticism so please let me know how I can improve and where I need to focus. Cant wait to meet you guys and get this art journey on the way!

The drawings i'm uploading are not my creation. Ive taken them from comics/ the internet cause I thought they were cool. I don't have anything but pencil and paper so sorry if the graphite drawings are too ugly for you. I'll get better one day.

Day 1 Practice
Pen Control/ Male Female Proportions

Dear Lord are circles hard. Gonna be doing a lot of the pen control exercises to get my hand up to speed. With that being said i'm glad i was still able to get through the proportions without too much trouble. without too much trouble.

Yo, snakker here, local noob. Welcome aboard!
Good job on the graphite sketches and the initial assignments
From the pen control exercises I get the feeling you may be either pressing too hard or your stylus is too soft (soft curve or too sensitive)

I would recommend playing around a bit with it to see if you get a more comfortable curve or if you like it as is


eyy welcome to the forum - nice to see another future animator :smiley:

bro same :smiley:
I'm currently plotbuilding/worldbuilding/characterbuilding a story with 5 mcs and 100s of side characters. the story will be nice and long - and i'll turn it into a comic once the plotbuilding is done. i'm also planning to make 6 animated trailers for it paired with hopefully my own music and stuff. :smiley:

Nice work on the hw so far :smile:
i'd recommend drawing more circles in a quick manner (quick as in close the circle quick after you start it) as that helped me make my circles nicer :smiley: imo you can fit more lines in Assignment 1-2 but nice job :smile:

Thank you for the advice. I've thought about changing the sensitivity on the pen before. There are times when I try to press draw as soft as I can and nothing registers. I'll look into this when I do more pen control practice.

Bruh that sounds awesome! I can't wait to get to get to the point where I can animate. I'm also a musician and I plan on using some of my own music during my animations when I get there. With 5mc and all those side characters you have your work cut out for you lol but i'm rooting for you man. What kind of story are you trying to make?