Hey Everyone! My name is Cedric but y'all can call me Juice. I'm 33 y.o. pianist from America. I tour full time around the globe and teach when i'm back home. I used to draw manga characters back when I was in middle school. I would redraw characters form Dragon Ball Z and color with colored pencils. Sadly i do not have any of this artwork from my younger years because the trash can is undefeated with my artwork lol. I'm jumping back into the arts once again because I want to draw and make my own comic with the hopes of animating these comics. My only training really comes from middle school art class so I know there is much to learn both from Marc and from you guys. I'm open to criticism so please let me know how I can improve and where I need to focus. Cant wait to meet you guys and get this art journey on the way!

The drawings i'm uploading are not my creation. Ive taken them from comics/ the internet cause I thought they were cool. I don't have anything but pencil and paper so sorry if the graphite drawings are too ugly for you. I'll get better one day.

Day 1 Practice
Pen Control/ Male Female Proportions

Dear Lord are circles hard. Gonna be doing a lot of the pen control exercises to get my hand up to speed. With that being said i'm glad i was still able to get through the proportions without too much trouble. without too much trouble.

Yo, snakker here, local noob. Welcome aboard!
Good job on the graphite sketches and the initial assignments
From the pen control exercises I get the feeling you may be either pressing too hard or your stylus is too soft (soft curve or too sensitive)

I would recommend playing around a bit with it to see if you get a more comfortable curve or if you like it as is


eyy welcome to the forum - nice to see another future animator :smiley:

bro same :smiley:
I'm currently plotbuilding/worldbuilding/characterbuilding a story with 5 mcs and 100s of side characters. the story will be nice and long - and i'll turn it into a comic once the plotbuilding is done. i'm also planning to make 6 animated trailers for it paired with hopefully my own music and stuff. :smiley:

Nice work on the hw so far :smile:
i'd recommend drawing more circles in a quick manner (quick as in close the circle quick after you start it) as that helped me make my circles nicer :smiley: imo you can fit more lines in Assignment 1-2 but nice job :smile:

Thank you for the advice. I've thought about changing the sensitivity on the pen before. There are times when I try to press draw as soft as I can and nothing registers. I'll look into this when I do more pen control practice.

Bruh that sounds awesome! I can't wait to get to get to the point where I can animate. I'm also a musician and I plan on using some of my own music during my animations when I get there. With 5mc and all those side characters you have your work cut out for you lol but i'm rooting for you man. What kind of story are you trying to make?

Thank you @Juice007!

It's a Post-Cyberpunk/Solarpunk story

you can read more about the setting and some characters on my website that i coded (quite proud of it since its the first website i ever coded and it turned out exactly how i wanted it to): https://mitsukiyouko555.github.io/hackwebcomic/ - still wip tho cus i have to put in the art for the environments and some of the characters. but thats why im here cus im not good at drawing enviros yet :smiley:

i also post my art on ig: https://www.instagram.com/mitsuki_youko/

and my music and animations on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mitsukiyouko/videos

Overall plot:

Chaos brews as the Frabjous day nears.

Two worlds, one physical, and one digital, grow evermore intertwined.

Even with an otherworldly adversary, the two worlds dabble in a battle for power as trouble and tensions brew.

Joined by a happy go lucky freedom fighter, a sheltered rich girl, and the leader of a small rebel group, Maxus, the leader of the Hacktectives, stumbles upon a rabbit hole of conspiracies relating to the kidnappings of low-level ability users.

A mysterious group called the Circle of 13’s, aided by a bio engineered assassin appear to be behind it.

The clock ticks as Maxus realizes: this conspiracy is bigger than anything than they all could have ever imagined.

One thing is for sure though. nothing is as it seems.

Plot for each main character:

When Maxus, leader of the Hacktectives, stumbles upon a sinister plot, with what seems to be the government as its mastermind, She is determined to expose their wrongdoings for all to see, fighting both for the citizens of the physical world, as well as the digital world. However, the deeper she looks, the more danger she finds herself in. With new enemies at every turn, it will take all she's got to protect her siblings and friends.

When people are being kidnapped, Hydra is brought back on to the front lines again as the main freedom fighter from Freedom Wings, a sanctuary within the Digital World, Zionix, where those who want to escape the clutches of the government of Atlantis (the Physical world), or any repression in general, are brought to reside. Things look bleak as all the hints lead back to an old enemy, as well as to the Gov, whose presence in the digital world is expanding quickly.

Mouse was left for dead in the deep web after leading her rebel group, Turquoise Fire in a failed revolt against the gov for taking her older sister away. With the whole gang stuck in the deep web, their only hope is to code their way up to the main land of the digital world. She is more determined than ever to lead her team back up to the top and take her sister back from the clutches of the gov even if it means doing the unspeakable.

Alis, a sheltered rich girl, along with her best friend, Cheshire, a cat boy, venture into the digital world for the first time, looking for her missing father while traversing through the unknown terrain of Hackerland, the portal into the digital world nearest to her home location. Here, she encounters many firsts. Her first fight, first love, and most important of all, she learns for the first time, what her father's true identity is.

Mal is a bio engineered weapon who seeks to destroy all who oppose the gov. She soon finds herself entangled in a web of lies and finds out that she knows less about herself than she thinks she knows. Then there’s Mouse, who shows up in her memories, though she can’t remember who she is, thwarting her solid belief in the gov. She starts to doubt her identity and existence and soon sets out to find out about her past and how she came to be.

wow, you put a lot of work into that!

Bro you have been putting in work. I have a story outline but it its not this detailed. I'm def about to check out your insta and website!

Day 2 Practice- Pen Control/ Reference Lines

I forgot to post yesterday but all i did was pen control since I think that is my greatest weakness right now. I'll keep doing pen control until I feel more comfortable drawing on the tablet. The reference lines were actually easier than I thought it would be. Finding the line of action was simple enough, but a few cylinders were hard especially on the male reference. Getting those calfs that are covered up took a second but I think I did well. Also does anyone know how to get flow going for the Pen Control in Clip Studio Paint? I've messed with brush density and opacity but I can't get the brush to give me multiple circles with different shades, only a solid line with different shades.

Yo looking good, keep at it!
If you look closely, the angle if the cubes for the pelvis and chest of the last female figure is different from what you drew

i think its a combination of the gaps and opacity. - if there are no gaps its just a line.

Thanks! :smiley: