Yup, I don't mind go ahead! I really appreciate any breakdowns. We can learn together
I don't really quite understand what you mean for the side profile breakdown, but from what I understand, the outer circle is there because it's supposed to represent the flat surfaces of the sides of the head, the cranium. It comes from cutting the sides of a sphere.
The drawing I did is completely in side view. So technically, I don't think the inner circle needs to be shifted back to touch the outer circle. If it is shifted back the ear position will also be wrong. I think only when the head is turning right, will the inner circle touch the outer circle
Sorry if it's longwinded, my English is not too great. If I can I'll get back to you, once I got it figured out.
Yeah, thanks so much! Actually the sketches down in green are all traced from references. I'm not that good TuT. It's just there to help me figure out why something looks right. They are references from my favorite artists ( U Kyung An- this artist is so good https://twitter.com/annim1011 her studies I froth lmao ) The or art books ( ANDREW LOOMIS/ MICHAEL HAMPTON ).
I agree, I really have an issue with 3/4 even though it's one the easiest profile of the head I can get right but I don't know what goes wrong when it goes wrong lol. I think it's because I distort it too much once it turns.
Thanks so much for the kind words. I definitely feel like I understand more now a bit 
Hope you're doing good too!