Hi hi hello!

I am an Illustration graduate that strayed away from the path of arting after a bit of an insecurity issue. I joined Marc's Art School to try and start anew by practicing and building up my confidence so that I could once more try and become a professional prop and environmental artist.

Nice to meet you all!

Here are some attempts before I joined the school.

  • Basket Shop

  • Inari Statue

  • Torii Gate

There are 161 replies with an estimated read time of 11 minutes.

I started out with the one-point perspective first and drew my room instead.

Loving your art, the japanese style room isometric is awesome and that room in perspective, loving how clean that came out

Cheers and welcome

Thanks thanks! Nice you meet you all!

OMG your art is SO good!! I love how you draw the background!

Welcome to the forums! I hope you can build up your confidence quickly, because your illustrations are great!

Your an amazing artist, good luck on your journey.

Hey welcome! If you were insecure about your art quality, no need for that. This looks amazing! Very lovely line work as well.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I plan to do my best with you all!