Thank you very much for your kind words. I feel comfortable in 3d because you can look round your forms. Trying to give the illusion of 3d in 2d I find quite a bit harder but that is why I'm here :smile:

I have started the course so here are my first submissions. I will be working in Clip Studio Paint mainly. I have affinity photo which is where I have done the photo manipulation but it doesn't have as many features as photoshop.

The pen control was done in CSP and I cant figure out how to get any of the brushes to work in the same way as the bottom examples. I will keep using this as a warm up so maybe I will work it out :confused:

Welcome to the forums, your 3d work is very impressive!

Thank you very much Lockenheim. I hope my 2d work goes the same way. Hopefully I can pass some of my 3d knowledge to anyone who needs it in the Zbrush part of the course :blush:

Hi Guys here are a few more excises from Term 1. I will use these excises as warm ups as I progress. I think this week I will practice gesture drawing and poses from imagination. Any comments welcome.

Lovely cylinders! I may be taking you up on that 3d help! I just started Zbrush this week!

Thank you Lockenheim. Good luck with Zbrush I'm sure you will love it I'm addicted :sweat_smile:. If you have any issues or questions just ask and I will try my best to help.

Oh for sure! Also was that you who upgraded to feedback? If so look forward to seeing you in the streams!

I haven't upgraded to feedback. Still trying to work out how this course works. I have been watching the feedback on YouTube is that what you have to pay extra for? Also I know it's far in the future but how is our work judged for the certificate if we don't pay for the feedback. Thanks for your help.

Yep the feedback on yourtibe is what you pay extra for. I thought you had joined last weekend as someone had a very similar story and work to yours that just joined but Ithink i just got confused. In terms of certification I don't think you have to get feedback option to complete the course. But I am not sure, I have only seen several make it to the end.

1 month later

Finally had chance to get back to drawing :grinning: . After a few health issues I need to crack on with this course. I really enjoyed trying to copy the poses with the reference on my computer screen with me sat back drawing on my tablet. I tried measure the images with my stylus. I was off but I'm quite happy with the results as its yet another first for me :sweat: I will keep this up as its good practice.