Another face study and the reference. The lightning was very difficult xd

Fast 3 point perspective exercise. I just wanted to draw Ba Sing Se from Avatar.

Yay! Ba Sing Se! One of my favorite shows ever! You got extra points just for picking it.
As for perspective, I get the uneasy feeling that the main road going to the central arch is slightly off... Maybe it's just the connection point with the entrance itself.

I get a feeling that something is off too, thanks for the reply btw xd

8 days later

I'm back (again) :smiley: . Here my work for the final exercise of the Perspective 2 Assignments with the classic 2B uwu. This exercise was quite "strange" so I will ask Marc for help to further understand the exercise.

It is a strange exercise, but you did it quite well. At least it reads like a 4-point perspective. Maybe the arms ended up being too long.
One thing you might want to consider is doing thinner outlines for exercises like this. It will be easier to spot issues and critique.

Yes, my lines are to big and they don't look too professional or made with confidence

Really, really awesome work! 4-point is so hard, I'm about to start working on it and I'm nervous :sweat_smile:

It will be weird in the beginning, but if you follow the tutorial you shouldn't have a lot of problems :wink:

13 days later

Just some skeletons with muscles xd. There's something off with the left side of the 3/4 view :no_mouth:

Looks correct to me. Maybe it feels off because there's not much volume to the pectoralis muscles?

Maybe I should add more volume to the left pectoralis and the left side of the abs

I feel like it never looks quite right with these skeletons also because of the deltoids. Normally they would rest on a bunch of other muscles, not directly on the bone.

I think the left abs' a lil bit thicker and feel like you could see more part of the oblique even from that angle. :sweat_smile:

I don't know, it's a tricky part. Also, thanks for the reply :wink:

3 months later

Hello hello, I'm in college so I'm very busy :frowning:
This is the second sculpture I do. Hope u like it :wink:

5 months later

A concept art I made with my friend for practice :smile:

This is amazing! This really seems alive, I just absolutely love this!

5 months later

I'm back (again). Here is another sculpture I made for practice :smile:

really well done, the level of detail is astounding.

The head seems to be slightly smaller in terms of proportions to the rest of the body. I could be wrong about this though. its hard to tell with the hair and i think also depend on the viewing angle so i wouldn't worry to much about it just figured i should mention it for feedback purposes.