Well, I started dreaming again and I want to one day make a manga.I just hope that I won't be too lazy.For a while I will have only Term 1 cus no money (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`), I will try to get a new term each month till term 4 after that I will try to gather $ for the full course .Nice meeting you.

Welcome, Malin! Here’s to achieving your dreams 🍺 You’ve taken your first step to publish your very own Manga. Cheers! 🍻

Hi Malin,

Welcome to the dream journey!

What a great start! You are clearly grasping perspective on those cylinders. Your figure with the rope looks a little stiff (and the crotch gap is a little small) this can be sorted by practicing some exaggeration and over-emphasis in your figure drawing practice. I would say not to worry too much about precision but focus on energy and feel. You clearly have a good eye so that will shine through. Keep it up!

Nice job on everything so far! Great work with the cylinder study, those are looking awesome! You look like you already have a pretty solid grasp on anatomy and I can't wait to see your future work!

Thank you for the feedback. I will look up for some more exaggerated poses.

Hi Malin! Welcome to the forums, if I had to pick just two terms to get it would be one and two. I think they contain the most important information imo. Love to see your progress keep it up!

Welcome, I think you're off to a great start so far. May you reach your goal of being a manga artist and have a fun art journey!

5 months later

Well,I wasn't able to draw for quite a while because of work,but now I am able to get back to it and I truly hope I won't stop anymore this time.

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