Hello everyone, my name is margaux I'm a 2D/3D artist. more 3D than 2D but for 5 months now, I have tried to practice more my 2D and I want to thank Marc Brunet for his tutorials that help me improve my skills. :smile:

Any feedback from any of you would be welcome. :smile:

my links :
facebook page

So let's start this blog =)

this is my last 2D work.

some recent sketches (the vampire one is for a character challenge)

all the SAS modeling is done in C4D and characters in zbrush.

Well from what I am seeing, you're at a very solid state. Watched your Demoreel, was fairly interesting to see. Maybe depending what you want to do now, you can invest more into visual storytelling?

That's one thing I notice a lot doesn't invest time in, storytelling. Most of the time, I think that's what appeals to others as well. At least for me, visual storytelling + solid fundamentals makes me happy, ha.

Overall again, solid stuff, and welcome aboard.

hello @brianhermelijn =),
thanks for the compliment and the feedback. To answer you my first objective is character design and modeling, I really want to improve my anatomy skills and create great characters with their own story. Most of the work I shared on my first post is more character 's exploration (style,anatomy, clothes, weapon..etc) and techniques but I have some visual storytelling "in my sleeves" I didn't share yet but it's coming soon.. I have started one project in 3d with a character with which I want to communicate emotions, but 3d project takes time =) I 'll try to post the work in progress on my blog when I will have some mood and rendering to show.

I look at your blog , you have really great works and thumbnails, =)
I really like the contrast between your approach to create visual story telling by environment and mine by characters . That can makes interesting stuff.

hope my english write is not bad, I'm not quite comfortable to explain my objectives in english but that makes a good exercise for me this forum :smile:

1 month later

Hello Everyone ^^
It's been a while since my last post. I just want to share with you some works I did.

A head sculpt based on concept from artist Loish.

some 2d works too

hope you like them =)