This looks like a good spot, I think I'll settle down right here. I doubt I have or will have an audience so I'll just pretend that I do.
It was a long weekend so I started watching movies, bootlegged mostly I can't afford the real thing but my TV is big enough to give me an awesome movie watching experience. I noticed that the movies actually pause pretty clean. That is there is no darkening or blurring of the screen. The only thing is the annoying control bar at the bottom but it's not absolutely terrible. So I started doing sketches.
The first one was a movie I've been meaning to watch for some time now. It's call "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". I found it on Netflix. I liked Jim Carrey's face in this one. I always thought his face was very malleable. He does great expressions.
The next movie was "Naked Lunch" I couldn't understand much of this movie. However, there was this scene between these two characters, one named Hank, the other named Martin. Martin was considering rewriting parts of his book. Hank was strongly against it stating that it would be like an artist repainting his work. He argues that the act of rewriting it destroys the integrity of his work and the initial message will be lost. I thought this was very interesting because some artist fo repaint, resketch, and edit their work. Does this destroy their original intention or help reinforce it?
I don't know.
I also found the main character interesting. He was supposed to be an exterminator but his attire and manner reflected more like an old 1930s detective.
It certainly was a very strange movie.
I suppose I should say something to close but I don't think it actually matters. I will likely post more things in the future whether or not any one wants me to.
Sep 3, '18
last reply
Sep 15, '18