Thank you so much for your detailed reply! A very interesting method and I can't wait to try it. I'll post what I draw as soon as I do!

oh you have started around the same time as me! Oh I quite like the detail of the face of your OC but you also have the same problem with me with feet! I also struggle with feet alot. Looking forward to see how much we progress on our journey

Feet and hands are the hardest things to draw out of everything I think! I'm just beginning to get comfortable with faces but hands and feet still mess me all up.

Also not my OC, its Sugi from Clone Wars, I should edit my post to make sure it's not like I'm trying to take credit

Anyway, here is my first try at using @Xybb method. I was a bit tired so my lines are extra sketchy. but I think there are other problems... the red rectangle looks distorted. Could it be because my station line is not exactly centered? I will probably try some more times.

The problem is less about the station point not being centered but more about it being to close the image plane, which means your vanishing points are very close together. The station point is representing the viewer. So, what happens when the viewer/camera is very close to the object? The object appears very large and if you wanted to capture it in a single frame you'd have to use a fisheye lense, which are known for their cool distortion effects.

This video by Dan Beardshaw explains the topic really well.

Using this technique you'll likely see that the red rectangle is partly outside of the cone of vision, so distortion is to be expected

Also, it's generally a good idea to keep the station point centered. Usually it would only be off center if you took a photo and cropped it on one side. I was just being lazy in my example in my previous post, sorry =).

Great work! Your dream castle is awesome!

I know you posted this a while ago but do you remember how you adjusted the color of the beach image? It looks spot on!

I don't quite remember the order but I do know I used multiple rounds of adjustments. (for example start with color balance, then use hue/saturation, then levels/curves, then go back to color balance or hue/saturation as needed, repeat am many times as needed)

I still didn't quite get the blue of the ocean right, I was tempted to use a selection to adjust it on it's own but I don't think that's supposed to be part of that assignment.

Hope it helps! I'm still learning Photoshop myself.

No problem, that video was super helpful! I'm really enjoying getting this deeper understanding of perspective drawing. Here was my next try after the video:

I think I finally feel ready to start the 1 and 2 point room and street corner assignments now. (In other words, I'm not sure drawing cubes will be able to keep my attention much longer!)

8 days later

I've been working on my one point perspective... I'm still having issues with some parts but I'm a lot happier with it than when I first started laying it out.

Not my actual room...

Wow you work looks really good !


I thought I'd make the cannons all a little different to make it feel a bit more lifelike, but I feel like there might be more wonkyness going on than can be explained by that... any feedback is always appreciated!

19 days later

I finally finished my 1-point perspective... I ended up spending way more time on it that I meant to. I was having too much fun adding all the details to this. I will try not to make my 2-point so complicated because now I'm getting impatient to move on to the figure drawings!

Love this 🤩 So much detail, there is even a second tiny little ship 😆

13 days later

Well I lied a little bit, I ended up making my 2-point pretty detailed as well, and I did a small extracurricular concept exercise for it too... I think with these I may have been doing some subconscious procrastinating, technical things have always been my artistic comfort zone and I've always had some fear of drawing people, but it looks like there's finally nothing left for me to do but start the figure drawing!