I don't quite remember the order but I do know I used multiple rounds of adjustments. (for example start with color balance, then use hue/saturation, then levels/curves, then go back to color balance or hue/saturation as needed, repeat am many times as needed)
I still didn't quite get the blue of the ocean right, I was tempted to use a selection to adjust it on it's own but I don't think that's supposed to be part of that assignment.
No problem, that video was super helpful! I'm really enjoying getting this deeper understanding of perspective drawing. Here was my next try after the video:
I think I finally feel ready to start the 1 and 2 point room and street corner assignments now. (In other words, I'm not sure drawing cubes will be able to keep my attention much longer!)
13 days later
Well I lied a little bit, I ended up making my 2-point pretty detailed as well, and I did a small extracurricular concept exercise for it too... I think with these I may have been doing some subconscious procrastinating, technical things have always been my artistic comfort zone and I've always had some fear of drawing people, but it looks like there's finally nothing left for me to do but start the figure drawing!
Thanks and that's definitely true. Also it seems like to me there are almost intangible qualities that make good drawings of people/characters feel alive... so far so many of my attempts have just felt wooden and I just have so much trouble getting that alive feel... this is something I'm hoping to learn!
Thanks @marco_cprn97 !
I'm just getting started with the figure drawing but I figured I'd post what I have so far to see if there are any glaring problems before I keep going. I realized I probably drew too many things over my first round, it turned out a bit messy. I also realized the references I picked may be making it harder... it seems like these exercises are easier to do when the limbs don't overlap: