Nude Figure Drawing 5
Proportion Grid
1st attempt, following the video
2nd attempt, trying to follow the video faster
3rd (or 9thish?) from memory
Nude Figure Drawing 6
30 min Gesture Practice
Still not quite getting the hang of it... try to capture the flow, not the contour... tricky... I did 30 sec poses for 30 min. Bought a lot of reference photos, might as well put them to good use
Nude Figure Drawing 7
Full Figure from reference, using measurement tools
I'm not too fond of this assignment. I don't quite get how to use measuring tools accuarately... what I did was cut out her head, duplicated it until her height and then just marked them as well as marking the areas where her body stops. This is probably not the correct way to do it...
Perspective 1 Assignments
1: Convergence lines, vanishing points over street photos
I used the Perspective Ruler tool in CSP. But I wonder if it's not that reliable... Some photos make sense but others I found not quite matching the perspective lines.
2: Draw cubes and sculpted shapes in 1 and 2 point perspective. This was suprisingly fun.
That's all for now. Working on the room assignment now.
Also I just realized this allowed more than 5 images... guess it was the other section that has a limit...