Time to go a step back , to study more anatomy. Meybe in a few weeks or day i gonna show you what i have learn :wink:

9 days later

Hey, Nano! Really liking your works, you seem very interested Concept Design! Welcome to the forums, looking forward to seeing more progress. :smile:

thank you very much . :wink: as i said, its my first year so i giving my best to do the job as a concept artist.

8 days later

1 month later

A update : i have work hard for this month and now i show you a progress what i do...

i think of a blizzard game to combine many things togethe - as exampel here, world of warcraft legion with Heroes of the storm but i m not done this is the first image of few.

I tried a new technique out, it tooks me 50 min for this Concept