Hi, I am a self-taught artist for a good 12 or so years now but never was given a good idea of any of the concepts until this week where I change that. I am a recent college graduate and began this week but I forgot to post progress as I got really into it. So I'll be posting the first 3 days. I want to be a character designer/illustrator and I have hopes of becoming a video game designer as well
Day 1: 12/13/22
Going through Nude Drawing first and giving myself 2 weeks before adding on the next class. Day 1 is largely notes as I was going through the video

Hey there, snakker here, local noob, welcome aboard!

I wish you good luck and I will try to provide any advice or critique within my limited knowledge


Haha, I feel ya, it’s not easy. I reiterated quite a few times. One of the main things that had me doing that is how ugly I felt it came out. My recommendation is to do it just to get the basic basic proportions in your head, even if your mannequin is mot up to your standard. Think about it this way: it’s your first day of a long program in which you learn to draw the human figure and anatomy, and you expect to draw a perfect entire figure head to toe. More likely than not, it won’t happen. But as you iterate, once a day or a few times a week you will eventually know the basic proportions by heart

As for gestures, definitely experiment. It’s all about feeling the movement of the pose and the energy of the movement. Try different times for your gestures, get your head used to it, try drawing from the shoulder to get smooth curvy lines


Practices from today, to better understand proportion I applied the exercise to the previous one and I think it's helping me get a better feel for it and I made more own guide freehand from memory with both versions. Black ink today too since I finally found a pen with it

Gestures today were 45/2 min though I might go back to do 1 min poses

and I was finally able to do the last exercise today, first time and I didn't give enough room on the right

Overall today I've noticed my issue isn't the height of proportions, but the width of them as I tend to make my figures a little too narrow?

I don't feel like they are to narrow personally, if anything the front chest plane may need to be a bit more narrow, especially on this last one and you may see more of the side of the chest. I would recommend constructing boxes over figures in the 3/4 to see if that can help you visualize it. Keep up the good work!

Not much done this weekend, break time however doesn't stop me from still doing some practice

This final one come out and surprised me a bit cause I was getting in my head during the practice and was made subconsciously as I was arguing with myself in my head

Seems like progress is being made even if I don't think it is

Yeah, in my figure studies I try to show the side of the chest with a cube I often think my issue is how to get the waist to look more natural and not what I feel is pushed too inward, though that's where my attempts to hammer proportion into me are trying to fix haha.