Hey Everyone,
My name is David, I'm a 3D artist from France.
After a lot of hard surface modelling I think it's time to learn new skill to help me improve more as an artist.
So here start my learning journey , nice to meet you all ! :smile:

Welcome to the forums David! I look forward to seeing your work!

8 days later

Here the Assignments i did for term 1 - Photoshop

Nice work on these! Very meticulous on the lines! This beach scene is so good on the color changes. This may be the best beach scene I have seen yet. Nice work!

Thanks !
The beach scene was so hard to do, i've spend too much time on it I think haha

First day of Nude figure drawing assignment
Only did the 1 - 3 at the moment , I will upload the assignment 4 - 7 when it's done ! :smile:

Nice work with these cylinder tracings! As these get easier try to decrease your brush size. It will help your accuracy and increase the difficulty! Great job!

12 days later

Here some update on my work : Perspective 1 - Assignments

Looking good! The added thickness on that one point perspective adds a lot of depth! Nice job!