I've not done the entire course yet (currently finishing
term 2 and have my finger on the mouse for term 3!) but I would say that if I
were you I wouldn't buy the course with the mindset that it will guarantee you
a job in the industry. That's not to say that it's not worth the money- far
from it! But I have a lot of friends who are incredibly talented artists who
have a deep understanding of all the Art fundamentals and art career work
processes, but really struggle to get a job with their talent. Purely based on
the fact that a career in concept art is one of the most competitive out there.
I’m in a similar boat to you in the sense that I'm taking
Art School in hope that it will increase my chances of getting a job with the
skills taught. But I’m trying to get that out of my head of being the end goal.
It might be worth going with the mindset of doing it purely for enjoyment and
because you want to become a better artist. Getting a job in it would be an
incredible added bonus!
If you're worried about dishing out for the entire thing,
I'd suggest maybe giving Term 1 ago and seeing how you find it. I've been
drawing as a hobby for as far back as I can remember and so far I'm still
learning a bunch of new things that I’m able to implement into my work and I’ve
barely started.
In short, if you take Marcs Art School and follow the
assignments, stay open for feedback from people etc then you will definitely
grow as an artist. But don’t expect it to guarantee you a job. It will
certainly increase your chances of getting one, but there are way more factors
to getting a job in the industry than the education side of things (Relentless
applying, attending industry workshops and events, networking, etc).
Sorry if I went on a bit!
Hope this was
helpful to you.