Journal Entry: 08/11/2020
As of today, I want to start writing the occasional Art School Journey journal entry, just as a way of documenting what I'm up to, what I am thinking and what directions I am taking.
Pursuing art has been as much about strengthening myself mentally and physically, as it has been about developing my skills as an artist. I have been joining in group voice chats in an art Discord server, primarily to meet new people and other artists, but, I also want to build my confidence working with and learning with others. So far, it's going well, I am just taking it slow.
I have been consistent with having my work critiqued; I am also planning on taking on their monthly art challenge, this months challenge being, drawing a self-portrait using a mirror, not photo references.
I feel that my 5-minute figures are improving, and I am starting to think more carefully about my lines and structure.
I have been using various mediums, including digital, fountain pen, charcoal, col-erase, polychromos and water-soluble pencil and wash.
My next steps are to move on to practicing cylinders, continue working on my next long portrait, work on my contest entry, finish my digital portait, continue working through supplementary courses and to continue engaging with various groups.