Portrait Study: 28/10/2020
This is my latest portrait study, consistent observational practice I am working alongside the Art School; focusing on angles and measurement, value matching and tonal shifts. There are aspects I am happy with and aspects I certainly need to be conscious of on my next study; though, I am looking forward to when we are able to attend live portrait sessions again.
Firstly, though the likeness and values are an improvement over my last study they are still off by a country mile; particularly on the (models' left) left side of the models' face and neck, as well as the models hair. I should have gone much darker, but these will be things to consider moving forwards. The likeness is closer, but still off, considerably; I need to spend more time in the planning and measuring phase of the study next time.
The tonal shifts, plane changes and gradations are an improvement over my last study.
I am happy with the progress of my 3-minute gesture drawings, marc's approach with marking the top and bottom of the line of action has helped quite a bit.
Critique is always welcome, and very much appreciated.
Critique received for this study:
"Beginner here, so take it with a grain of salt: eyes and nose look very good. The lips look shifted to the model’s left a bit, especially the lower lip. I know the neck isn’t a focus, but it looks a bit flat, may have needed more differentiation between the front and the side"
" It sounds like you already know what you need to do next! I love the soft shading on this, the softness of her hair, and the soft shading of the background. There is a definite tone and mood in the drawing, that of a silent contemplation. The one thing sticking out to me is her eyes -- her right eye is a lot darker than her left and it's attracting far more attention. I think darkening a few key areas could help add balance."
"For the portrait, I think you have to make her face thinner, and pay special attention to the contour of the face. Not sure if it's digital but if it is, flip the canvas and reference together and even try overlapping them to check."