I have been doing my best to try and complete some of these tasks using Clip Studio Paint, since I own this software and do not currently have a license for Photoshop, but have run into a few problems.

Problem 1: reproducing the generic brush from Photoshop in Clip Studio Paint. Does anyone have suggestions regarding the type of brush I should use to most closely replicate the Photoshop brush, to complete the pen control exercises. Also which settings should I use to replicate the required Pressure Control for the Pressure control exercise

Problem 2: The Image Adjustments PSD file is not opening in Clip Studio Paint. I have found the required Hue/saturation/luminosity settings via Control + U, but due to the file being un-openable, I cannot cocomplete this task. Could someone save the file in another format and make it available?

I have been using this as an opportunity to try and find similar Clip Studio Paint settings to accomplish the same tasks and have learnt a fair amount about equivalent tools by doing so. I am about to start the combining images task and I wonder if anyone in this community has had success with this in Clip Studio Paint and would have any suggestions regarding how to accomplish this task.

I suppose the Selections/Liquify/Healstamp exercise will not be completable in Clip Studio Paint and will have to wait until I purchase at least a one month subscription to Photoshop. Or does anyone know of equivalent tools in Clip Studio Paint?

If you want to use something LIKE photoshop, try photopea, which is basically a photoshop clone but online and free: https://www.photopea.com/

i think it has all the photoshop stuff..

and liquify is kind of hidden but use the search thing to look for it. it has it too.

hope that helps! I use CSP too but dont have time to write up anything too detailed atm sorry :open_mouth:

Also welcome to the forums!! have fun :smiley:

np! glad it helps :smiley:
cant wait to see your progress n grow together :smiley:

Welcome to the forums!

Brush settings - 3rd photo is for the last line

Image adjustments - try ctrl+o in CSP and open that file. This file should be also in JPG. If not here is the image

I hope it helps

Thank you very much. I appreciate the time you took to provide me with this information. This must have taken you a while to post. Thank you so much. This helps so so much.