Hello there! I'm Rafael.
First of all I'm really sorry if I say anything wrong at some point or if I'm not very clear with what I want to say, English is not my first language and I struggle with it sometimes.
My art journey started back in June 2020 when I got some ideas for a project but I had no clue how to express/execute them at the time, then discovered basically for the first time how to draw anything, I had no experience prior to that and I [almost] never used to draw as a kid so it was a new experience for me.
I focused more in practicing lines and circles from the beginning but I had no idea how to organize those studies so I ended up wasting some months doing only that (but not in a good/proper way). I then decided to focus on figure drawing (and some of anatomy too) because I wanted to create something out of it, and that's what I've been doing since.

Most of my drawings/studies were done traditionally but I can't take proper photos of them and from February 2021 I started using a small drawing tablet (One by Wacom) so I've been doing most of my stuff digitally. This is all I made so far (that I'm at least a little bit proud of (?)):

This first one was an experiment with some brushes from Krita (bad idea), and I don't really know what to say, it was one of my first attempts at making something "decent" (and also a landscape).

I dunno if I did this before or after the last one but it was around the same time

Some time after that I did a bunch of studies, sketches and such, so I never finished most of my bigger projects (or they ended up being rushed and badly rendered)
These are a couple of examples of that:

I think it was at this point where I changed from Krita to CSP

Then when I thought I was getting really good at making stuff I joined an Inktober type of challenge (bad mistake) and spent the entire month of October doing silly little things such as these ones:

After that month I got incredibly burnt out (I wonder why), and my left hand also got a lil bit injured from drawing everyday. So I took some time off, spent less time drawing and made some changes on my daily routine (and also changed my tablet settings).

Sketches from the beginning of this year

Since then I haven't been doing much except for studying and that's when I decided to start the year with Art School because I was lacking a lot of stuff (as you probably noticed) and to also take this more seriously. It was something I was considering for a while, because at this point I wasn't really looking for feedback nor studying properly. I'm really bad at asking for advice or even feedback so I'm hoping to change that with this course (and also my study sessions).

So yeah that has been my journey to this day, I already went through the first assignments and tried to make almost all of them (realized most of the stuff in there are really hard to replicate). I had some issues with the more Photoshop-oriented ones (I use CSP), so I don't really know how to make those and I think I'm just going to skip those for now.

Your use of colour is good. You are able to make things seem three dimensional when rendering them, but your linework seems flat in comparison. I think you will make big progress once you have some form studies and perspective work.