Just getting started with the assignments.
Assignment 1
Aug 16, '23
last reply
Oct 21, '23
Just getting started with the assignments.
Assignment 1
Getting used to sensitivity to match the first exercise can be tough, I had to mess with the calibration of my tablet to get as close as I did.
Most of it is trail and error, but to help with the exercise I had a lot of luck with using moving the pen less with the wrist and more a full arm motion. Also just quickly undoing wonky attempts at lines and shapes with CONTROL Z over and over till I got close.
Assignment 3 - Combining Images
Composite Image
I did a photoshop class for funsies a couple years ago now, it's actually the class that got me interested in pursuing art more. I had a couple of similar assignments so I figured I post em.
That's a honey badger + porcupine + walrus.
A composite of a lot of different images in that one, I think this was actually my first.