Assignment 2
I feel like I managed to match everything but couldn't quite get that last one but had to say close enough for the sake of time.

Just more skeleton practice

Nice these are looking good, accurate. I swear people really tend to underestimate these kinds of exercises!


Your line is clean, dude!
Right now I'm trying to get used to the tablet, the feeling, the preasure, the surface and the eye-hand coordination, but I'm struggling a bit with that. ¿Do u have any recomendation? :smile:
Nice skeleton exercises btw! Haven't get to those yet, but looks pretty good.

Getting used to sensitivity to match the first exercise can be tough, I had to mess with the calibration of my tablet to get as close as I did.
Most of it is trail and error, but to help with the exercise I had a lot of luck with using moving the pen less with the wrist and more a full arm motion. Also just quickly undoing wonky attempts at lines and shapes with CONTROL Z over and over till I got close.

Assignment 3 - Combining Images
Composite Image

scource images

I did a photoshop class for funsies a couple years ago now, it's actually the class that got me interested in pursuing art more. I had a couple of similar assignments so I figured I post em.

That's a honey badger + porcupine + walrus.

A composite of a lot of different images in that one, I think this was actually my first.