Hello everyone! My name's Louise and I'm a fashion student from the Philippines. I started the program a few months ago, but due to my schedule, I couldn’t study consistently. I wanted to change this pattern, so I decided to make myself accountable and post my progress here.

I’m not an absolute beginner at drawing but I believe that I am still at a beginner level. Although I have already drawn a few fashion figures, I still lack knowledge and practice in the fundamentals of drawing and art in general. Character designing and environment designing have always been interesting to me but since I lack the skills and knowledge, I’m not able to materialize my ideas yet. Earlier this year, I decided to take drawing seriously and bought the Art School program. My goals are to improve as an artist and to work in both the fashion and art industries while enjoying this new journey I have embarked on.

I’ll be posting some of my practice drawings and works here once a week to get feedback from the community. I’ll be starting next week. Nice to meet you all :))

Welcome to the forums Louise! I am interested in seeing your fashion works!

Here are some of the studies and sketches I’ve done last week (not in order; also, I apologize for the messiness of my drawings). I tried to follow the Art School schedule for busy artists that’s why you’ll see a variety of studies. Since I’ve already finished watching the perspective and figure drawing lessons in term 1, I also practiced the things I’ve learned according to the assignments in term 1. Though I must admit that I wasn’t able to be consistent last week (which is something that I should improve on). I did not pay attention to my line weight in these drawings because all I did were sketches but next time, I’d also practice my lineart.

Upon doing these studies, I came to the conclusion that I must improve my observation skills and be patient with the process of observing. I have a tendency to draw while observing, which I think isn’t efficient. In the color study, I had a difficult time blending the colors together since I’m still not used to painting digitally. I used the soft and hard round brushes from Marc’s free brush set for the color study btw. I’ve been practicing my gesture drawings for almost a month now but I still find it the most challenging thing to do when practicing figure drawings. But yeah, practice, practice, practice!

The references I’ve used were from Pinterest and some were from books. Also, please don’t mind the white marks and scribbles on the page, they are just some things I’ve written after doing the studies :sweat_smile:

Really nice work with these studies keep it up!