@anir Wow, man! Thank you for this detailed response. I totally agree with you about first one. Too many things that I missed, especially silhouette, like...HOLY MOLY, WHERE I WAS, WHEN I BEEN DOING THIS! And overall design now looks too awkward. Although, it's good feeling, cuz I was proud of this work and now I like "meh, this one not so cool as I thought, I need to go further ".
As second one...I get your point, but there's a little misunderstanding. I'm not a "smudge/blur guy" (may be little bit, but still not so), rather I don't like super polished stuff and with this piece I wanted to achieve raw aesthetic, smth like alla prima paintings. Also, this looseness is like a tool of composition: the farther away from the focal point, the wider become strokes. Pale colors and low contrast is also my personal preferences (but, yeah, still sick). With other I completely agree...Oh..c'mon! I agree and with your comments about smudge, colors and detalization, but it's little complicated in this case. This piece was experimental and I tried to find balance between what you say and what I explained above. Simply, between polished and bright look and raw and dull look. So, All things, that you said, is fair, but need to be slightly adapted for my aims. By me, of course.
Yeah, I need to learn more about drawing, but...MAN, I'M SO IN LOVE WITH PAINTING STUFF! Lol, I know, still should learn fundamentals, anyway...Thank you again, really glad to read your thoughts with such a scrupulous breakdown. It helps a lot to figure out what is what.