18 days later

Thanks for the feedback. I'm gonna change my course. I'm working on entry for retrogasm challenge. I'm doing Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics. Just starting g to block her in.

Lol, just made a quick experiment. I'm still working on Agrias but I wanted to play around with different styles and ZBrush new NPR (since I need to do this for work anyway).

Character belongs to yoshii

Totally forgot that NPR even exists xD Should give it a try some time in the future, looks cool

1 month later

Some progress on Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics

I also started the Sculptember but I'm pretty behind and I don't think I can catch up since I've been sick in the past days. Nonetheless,

Day 5 - Portrait

Day 6 - Broken

9 days later

I just released an asset to the marketplace. I'm curious what you all think. I find it's helpful to sculpt head from a skull. I keep it free because I'm hoping it can reach larger audience and more people can tell me on how I can improve it.

Here's the link:

12 days later

I revisited one of my older model and started fixing proportion issue and some facial feature. Let me know if I missed something. C&C's are welcomed.

I'm doing something different from inktober. I'm just doing a (female) character per day. I usually fail to keep up after the first week so we'll see how far I can get this time. But in the end I want to make a collage of my drawings. If this is successful, I'll do different version/theme next time.

Day 1 - 2B

Day 2 - Aerith

Day 3 - Kos-Mos

Big fan or Aeris nerdgasm
looking forward to seeing more of your work :3

2 months later

Sorry for lack of updates. This is a new project commissioned to me. He's actually fine with me sharing in public but it's on hold because of the desire for design change.

Design 10 is my favorite.

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