Hey I'm Sm0rs! I've been drawing for 7 years casually and I've always wanted to improve a lot so I'd thought I could use the summer to do so
My Insta: @sm0rsss

This is my first go at term one of the program, I'm really liking it so far! Any comments appreciated :smile:

Welcome! I hope your journey is fulfilling and joyful.

Nice work on the cylinders. The middle layer even makes me feel like there's a string between pulling them.

Just finished the Proportions section of term 1, I think I did quite well recreating it :smile:. Any feedback appreciated.

Also did some extra practice yesterday :kissing:

Here's the little study I did with the help of marcs tips on proportion and placement :smile:

ARTSCHOOL GRIND!!! Here are 30 second, 60 second and 5 minute gesture drawings :sunglasses:
EDIT: I realise now that 5 minutes is a bit too long to be a gesture drawing...

can't wait to see more of your work in the future, very cool shading too

Thous figures look really solid great work!

40 minutes of 30 and 60 second gesture drawings :relieved:

I did another 40 minutes of gesture drawings and I think im making some progress :relaxed:

Start of my perspective assignment :smirk:
Edit: Ik its techically 2 point but idc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wow, the perspective looks great, and the colors add an interesting touch to the piece!

The perspective itself is very interesting as well. It's not traditional two-point perspective, there's only one vanishing point on the horizontal axis, and it actually looks like the other vanishing point is on the vertical axis! Either way, it looks good!