Hi everyone,
I am trying to do an actual scene, since that's a lot of what Concept Art is about and I'm not very used to doing broader scenes like this. I generally do the up close and detailed stuff. Actually, I may make a new close up of Queen Amidala's outfit from this scene, as it's similar to one I designed for a winter look for her way back when the movies came out. I don't have the original drawings I made anymore, unfortunately, but I'm hoping it comes out pretty cool anyway.
Well, this is my line drawing of the scene, just getting general composition underway. It's not of anything that actually happened in the movies or anything. Just a little imagination of my own.
Please add your thoughts, ideas, tips, etc.!
I'm excited about this one and nervous to get all the lighting semi-decent. Working with snow on mountains has intrigued me for a while now, so I'm hoping to get something resembling reality here.