Greetings. I am a 42 year old 3d modeler/sculptor who has for over a decade specialized in science fiction art for commissions and other side work. Work wise I am retired (medically) from the US Navy due to injuries during the Afghanistan war. I find it hard and at times painful to draw as both of my shoulders and chest were rebuilt. That said, I LOVE to draw and enjoy artwork immensely. One of my specialties is Blender 3d and I am hoping to take what I learn here and merge it with my current skillset to develop 2d Animated shorts in Blender.

Regardless if I ever do animation or not, I really want to learn to draw well enough to feel a measure of pride in my work. I tend to have a high standard for myself and due to that I can discourage myself from starting new things in some sort of fear of failure. This is going to be my art journey and I hope you all enjoy it as I know I will. Overcoming my fears in public forum if you will.

JRClemons (Sulabri)

Here is an example piece of where I am skill wise. I have far to go.

Welcome, it's good to have you with us all!

Hi and welcome! Best of luck to you for reaching your goals! I think you will find great help and support here.

Snakker here, local noob

Welcome aboard! Looking forward to see your work and provide support to the best of mu current ability
